
Showing posts from March, 2018

LO4: Prepare information and a portfolio of media work to show when looking for an employment or higher education opportunity.

This portfolio of my work is to showcase the work I have done as a video editor in my audio-visual units. I have selected clips that I feel best show the experience and knowledge I gained and used in these projects. It includes the short film 'Silent Captive' we had produced and the two 'trailers' we had also created, these being a promo and a TV spot (in which I actually co-edited) based on the short film. I aimed to show the way I had cut the film together to emphasise the narrative more.With the footage available I also tried to keep the narrative clear, this included selecting footage of high quality and making the most of the lower quality footage. Such as in one case, where the audio from a high quality shot was of low standard, whilst a shot we had that wasn't in focus did have a better quality of sound. All this footage was created primarily on Adobe Premiere, and I beleive it's the software I'm most proficient at using. On the otherhand, others s

LO3: Understanding my potential career/study routes.

My personal plan: Level 3 Creative Digital Media Extended Diploma at UTC Sheffield This course is what initially inspired me to pursue a career path in video editing. O ver 4 years at the UTC, I have gained experience and knowledge in a variety of digital media products, from a print-based magazine to an audio-visual short film.  The course helped me understand what different media sectors I enjoy and take interest in. I was initially thinking of working in the videogame industry but took an interest in video editing and decided that it's something I would enjoy gaining experience in. Video Editing as my chosen career route I have decided to go down the route of a video editor as my career choice, this is because I enjoy editing together footage and creating a narrative or point to get across to an audience. I believe that I am also experienced and skilled in using the software such as Adobe Premiere and After Effects, but would like to continue improving my skill set

LO2: Evaluate my personal qualities and available resources that may be used to start my own business, gain employment or move on to higher education.

My Personal Qualities: Personal Characteristics: I work well with a team, doing what I've been set to do and will always look for feedback from my peers and give them it in return. I'm an affable and approachable person who will help someone as much as I possibly can. I'm proactive and always looking for work that needs to be finished or improved. I'm well organised and punctual. Skills: Studying creative digital media for the last 4 years has helped me to develop several skills that are standard for the digital media industry. It has allowed me to gain experience on several software and devices, software such as; Adobe Premiere, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Bridge and Blender, and hardware such as; a Canon DSLR 650D, Wacom Drawing tablet and Zoom H4N Handy Recorder. I'd say the skills I'm most proficient in is editing video footage on Adobe Premiere as I have worked on several projects that required me to do so,