LO3: Understanding my potential career/study routes.

My personal plan:

Level 3 Creative Digital Media Extended Diploma at UTC Sheffield

This course is what initially inspired me to pursue a career path in video editing. Over 4 years at the UTC, I have gained experience and knowledge in a variety of digital media products,
from a print-based magazine to an audio-visual short film.  The course helped me understand what different media sectors I enjoy and take interest in. I was initially thinking of working in the videogame industry but took an interest in video editing and decided that it's something I would enjoy gaining experience in.

Video Editing as my chosen career route

I have decided to go down the route of a video editor as my career choice, this is because I enjoy editing together footage and creating a narrative or point to get across to an audience. I believe that I am also experienced and skilled in using the software such as Adobe Premiere and After Effects, but would like to continue improving my skill set in video editing. If I pursue this career path, I will probably have many different opportunities and projects I'll get to work on and gain more experience in. I believe that if I go into higher education at university, I'll be able to extend my knowledge much further by learning new techniques and ways to emphasise points through the use of editing in a video.

Relevent qualifications and skills
  • Experience and knowledge of using video editing software i.e. Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Audition and Adobe Photoshop. Experienced in using computers, both Apple iMac's and Microsoft Windows.
  • Good at team work, on bigger projects there'll be multiple editors.
  • Good at managing and keeping tracks of deadlines, able to work well under pressure.
  • Predicted D*D*D* at the end of this Level 3 Creative Digital Media Extended Diploma.
University course choice

I have applied and have a conditional offer for the Digital Media Production course at Sheffield Hallam University. It is local to my location, requires that I achieve 104 UCAS points with at least 64 points from two A levels, it specialises in a variety of media sectors, much like my course at UTC Sheffield, but will give me extended knowledge in the many aspects of video editing.

Career and contingency plan

As a video editor, using my qualifications and skills that I will gain, I hope to take on opportunites to work on multiple projects and make a name for myself, which may prove difficult at first with my lack of contacts. As a contingency, I could become a freelancer, this will get me small jobs that I can gain experience which I can use to make me more appealing employers.


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