LO4: Prepare information and a portfolio of media work to show when looking for an employment or higher education opportunity.

This portfolio of my work is to showcase the work I have done as a video editor in my audio-visual units. I have selected clips that I feel best show the experience and knowledge I gained and used in these projects. It includes the short film 'Silent Captive' we had produced and the two 'trailers' we had also created, these being a promo and a TV spot (in which I actually co-edited) based on the short film. I aimed to show the way I had cut the film together to emphasise the narrative more.With the footage available I also tried to keep the narrative clear, this included selecting footage of high quality and making the most of the lower quality footage. Such as in one case, where the audio from a high quality shot was of low standard, whilst a shot we had that wasn't in focus did have a better quality of sound. All this footage was created primarily on Adobe Premiere, and I beleive it's the software I'm most proficient at using. On the otherhand, others software like Adobe After Effects, which was used a few times in the production, I could use more experience in as this was handled by another team member.


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