LO2: Evaluate my personal qualities and available resources that may be used to start my own business, gain employment or move on to higher education.

My Personal Qualities:

Personal Characteristics:

  • I work well with a team, doing what I've been set to do and will always look for feedback from my peers and give them it in return.
  • I'm an affable and approachable person who will help someone as much as I possibly can.
  • I'm proactive and always looking for work that needs to be finished or improved.
  • I'm well organised and punctual.


Studying creative digital media for the last 4 years has helped me to develop several skills that are standard for the digital media industry. It has allowed me to gain experience on several software and devices, software such as; Adobe Premiere, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Bridge and Blender, and hardware such as; a Canon DSLR 650D, Wacom Drawing tablet and Zoom H4N Handy Recorder. I'd say the skills I'm most proficient in is editing video footage on Adobe Premiere as I have worked on several projects that required me to do so, such as a trailer for 'Port 4wd', two separate trailers for 'Silent Captive' (a psychological thriller short film) and the 'Silent Captive short film itself. 

Relevant Achievements:

Education Qualifications (From 2013 to 2018):
GSCE's (2013-2015):
  • Art and Design: Fine Art - B
  • Additional Science - B 
  • Further Additional Science - D
  • English Literature - C
  • English Language - C
  • Mathematics - C
  • Computing - E
  • Level 2 Media Diploma - Merit
A-Level's (2015 - 2018):
  • Level 3 Media Extended Diploma - D*D*D* (Predicted)

Experiences and interests:

National Citizenship Service (Summer 2015):
  • A program that took place other several weeks, in the first two weeks we took part in a variety of activities and team building exercises which would help us in the third week. In this week we worked together to create an event, this involved activities, and experiences that would help primary school children to understand what it's like to be deaf and blind at a young age so that they don't discriminate against people who are in the future.

My Resources and Available Help:

I am aiming to pursue a career in video editing in the film industry, and my plan is to first move onto higher education at Sheffield Hallam University, the course being Digital Media Production. The entry requirements require that I get 104 UCAS points with at least 64 points from two A levels, I can acquire this with a minimum of a D*D*P in my Cambridge national level 3 media extended diploma in which I'm predicted a D*D*D*.

Available Equipment and assets:

UTC Sheffield has a variety of equipment and software available that I could use to help create my projects. For units focused on film and audio-visual products we had access to hardware like; Apple iMacs, Canon DSLR 650Ds, RODE sound equipment and then stabilisation equipment such as tripods, gimbals, and Steadicams. We also had access to software such as Adobe Premiere and After Effects. Whilst using the Canon DSLR 650D, I had learned quite a few new features and techniques on the camera, I had gained some experience with it from a photography unit before, but after filming I had gained more experience and proficiency with using it.
We only used the RODE sound equipment for the dubbing of scenes that had low quality, the equipment produced high-quality recordings, with a muffler applied it could typically get rid of any background sounds we didn't want.
Stabalisatisation equipment that we had for the majority used was a tripod, this was for any scenes with no camera movement or ones with simple panning movements. On occasion we had used a Steadicam which allowed us to shoot scenes with a lot of movement involved, this helped us avoid scenes being too 'shakey' which would be a problem in the editing stage.
Adobe Premiere and After Effects were both software I had used in the post-production stage to create the project's final cut of a trailer or the short film itself. It allowed us to sort, compile and edit the footage and even export the project as an MP4 or MOV file.

For other units like graphic design, print-based advertisement, print-based media products (i.e. a magazine) and photography we also had access to Canon DSLR 650Ds to take photos for use in these projects. We had access to software like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop that we used to create the base of the product in which we edited photos and text together to create the products.
For our games unit, we had access to Blender and Maya which allowed us to create models and texture them (through use of Adobe Photoshop) for use in our game, we used the Unreal Engine 4 to import these models and put together a tutorial level for a game.

Work I have created and selected for use in my portfolio:

Audio-visual projects I have selected for use include:

This was the first audio-visual project I had the role of editing in (with the help of a co-editor), the group consisted of three people and two local actors in training who were friends of one of the group members. The brief asked for a promotional video for a 'film', the film was a psychological thriller titled 'Silent Captive' in which a boy had lost his brother in a forest, convinced he's still alive he ventures into the forest to find him.

In this unit we were asked to create a short film, our group decided to develop on our unit 46 film idea 'Silent Captive', it consisted of the same group members and actors, we also focused more on the genre of the film 'Psychological Thriller'. We tried to emphasise it through the camera work and editing techniques and with the past experience of unit 46 we were able to create a better quality project.

For unit 18 we were tasked with creating a TV spot for our unit 41's short film, this meant that it had to be around 30 seconds long. Unlike our unit 46's promo, which had used original shots, this advert would be much shorter and use shots from our short film.

Other relevant units:

Unit 1: Analysing Media Products and Audiences
In this unit, I had learned the many aspects of what goes into the production of digital media products, this made it much easier to understand what was needed to make a project successful thanks to the knowledge I had gained analysing successful products. It also gave me insight into the legal and ethical issues that come with productions as well as the distribution and advertising to different demographics.

Unit 11: Script Writing for a Media Product
This unit was very useful as it gave me a clear understanding of how a professional and clear script is produced, it was essential for an audio-visual product like unit 41's short film as it kept us organised and clear on what we needed to do for different scenes. The unit allowed us to create a suitable shooting script that would not just help us in the production stage, but also the post-production editing.

Unit 22: Production Roles in Different Media Sectors
For unit 22, we had looked into the different production roles within a media sector, I had chosen the film industry and looked at both scriptwriters and film editors. Film editor was my main focus and researching the role made me more knowledgeable of what that role demands and what skills and techniques in editing are essential for becoming a successful film editor. It taught me that if I want to follow this career path, I need to keep gaining experience in editing if I want to develop my skill set and knowledge of film editing.


I have typically relied on public transport for getting around most places.

  • UTC Sheffield -  This is where the majority of pre-production and post-production takes place, as I have access to iMacs and multiple software.
  • Millhouses Park - Was used for public settings as it's within close proximity of multiple team members.
  • Burbage Forest, Peak District - Used for the majority of production as a suitable 'forest' setting for our projects.

For the production of the 'Silent Captive' short film and it's promo, we worked with two local actors, Elliot Goodhill and Jacob Gandy, who were doing a course involving acting, we made contact with them friends through one of our team members, Louis Norton, who is friends with them.
SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunites, and Threats) Analysis:

Strengths: 4 years of experience in several Adobe programs, primarily Premiere and Photoshop. Very good at organising and keeping everything up to date with milestones and deadlines. Can be dedicated to a role within a team and work with peers to help with their roles and them with mine.

Weaknesses: Improvements needed in team leading. Know the basics of using a Canon DSLR 650D, but need more experience in camera operation and understanding what different features do.

Opportunities: The creative digital media course has allowed me to work on briefs from clients, such as; Warp Films, Sumo Digital and the Millennium Gallery. This experience could give me opportunities to work with them again.

Threats: My lack of contacts would definetly decrease my chances at getting opportunites in the career I want to pursue, it would also make it difficult to start and produce my own projects as I wouldn't have access to the assets or people I would need to create it. The insuffiency of funds could also be a threat due to it being an important necessity in the production of a project. It would also be important for aquiring the equipment I would need to work on my own projects if I ever decided to become a freelance video editor which is a possible career path.

Sources of Funding and Investments: 

Pursuing a career path in video editing requires quite a sum of funding to aquire the equipment I need to begin. The starting point would be to buy a PC with the requirements to edit, render and export high quality footage, a laptop isn't as important to have but it would be useful for editing on the move or away from the main PC. The software that I have gained experience in would be a necessity if I want to edit footage into videos, I would definetly buy the monthly membership for the Adobe Creative Cloud as this would give me access to several programs I would need, this includes; Premiere, After Effects, Photoshop and Audition. A hardrive and SD card would also be important as it would allow me to easily transport projects and files, allowing me to also work on PCs that are not my own. A universities student loan that I can apply for would be helpful for aquiring money to buy these assets, the course I have applied for at Sheffield Hallam University would also give me access to the software I require if necessary. Getting a job would also give me income I could use to buy the equipment I need.

Budget Plan:

Cost and Source
PC – Zoostorm Origin
Editing and storage
Laptop – Dell Inspiron 15 5570
Editing and storage
Adobe Creative Cloud – Individual (All Apps)
£49 per Month (£589 per annum) (https://tinyurl.com/yastcfy4)
Seagate External Hard Drive (1TB)
SanDisk 16GB SD card


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